Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 29th and 30th

I'm finding that it's not very easy to post on days I work.  :/

Yesterday I had blueberry pancakes with syrup for breakfast (we picked the blueberries fresh this summer and they're still delicious frozen!), a soft pretzel for lunch (not many options at work snack bar if I don't bring something from home, but they are a guilty pleasure) and, since it was nearly 10 p.m. when I got off and I didn't feel like/have time to cook, McDonald's for a quick dinner.  Not making that mistake again.

November 30th

 9:00 a.m.

-Scrambled eggs (no milk)
-BabyCakes mini hash browns
-1/4 of a bagel with margarine

2:00 p.m.

-Spaghetti O's

7:00 p.m.

-Soft-shell tacos with sauce and sour cream (I was not thinking at all!)
-Beef flavored Rice-a-Roni (but it's gross and I only had a few bites)

Claire's been spitting up a lot more lately, which means that I'm pretty sure it's the dairy upsetting her since it wasn't happening as much before I tried introducing some back into my diet.  That makes me even more upset with myself for the dumb slip today.  She's not having the green/mucus-y diaper explosions that prompted the non-dairy experiment in the first place, but she's still throwing up most of her meal after each feeding.  That was something that wasn't so frequent during the time I cut out dairy.

When Claire was getting her 2-month shots and exam, her pediatrician said she might have a mild case of acid reflux.  That could also be the reason she's spitting up.  But if she spit up less when I went non-dairy, I'm inclined to believe that was the main issue.  Things like caffeine, garlic and chocolate in my diet can increase her reflux, so I'm cutting down on these, too, just in case.  Caffeine won't be an issue because I already gave that up.  Chocolate's something I like now and then, but I can do without it.  Garlic will be the hard one.  I cook with it all the time.  :/

I'm glad I'm doing this food log.  It's making me realize that I really, really need to eat better.  I also have to get very serious about this non-dairy approach for Claire's sake.  I'm following this site's recommendations and lists and I'm going to start reading ingredient labels instead of just ousting the "obvious" dairy.  It'll be better for the both of us.

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th

9 a.m.

Egg Mcmuffin

2:00 p.m.

Budget Gourmet's stir-fry rice and veggies

6:30 p.m.

Homemade cheeseburger with mustard and an onion ring, and baked curly fries (not a particularly healthy dinner tonight but at least it wasn't fast-food like breakfast).
Caffeine-free Pepsi

Slowly starting to introduce dairy back in my diet to see what happens, so I had 2 servings of cheese today.
Claire's been kind of gassy and she spit up (very little) after her 3:00 and 7:00 feedings, but nothing abnormal or anything like it was before.

I think it might be the carbonation from soda making her gassy.  I think I have to drastically reduce my Pepsi intake (boooo).

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27th

9:00 a.m.

-Scrambled eggs (no milk)
-BabyCakes mini hash browns

Afternoon snack
1:30 p.m.

-Saltine crackers and peanut butter

6:30 p.m.

-Boneless, skinless chicken breasts (dipped in egg whites & Italian breadcrumbs, and sauteed in olive oil)
-Roasted red potatoes, red bell pepper, and red onion (tossed in olive oil, garlic, parsley mix)
-Caffeine-free Pepsi because I'm weak and a colaholic

Claire's super sleepy today but not very fussy.  Spit up once around 3:30.